WPSSO Mobile App Meta
Plugin Name | WPSSO Mobile App Meta Tags |
Summary | Apple Store and Google Play App meta tags for Apple\'s mobile Safari banner and X\'s (Twitter) App Card. |
Stable Version | 4.3.0 |
Requires PHP | 7.4.33 or newer |
Requires WordPress | 5.9 or newer |
Tested Up To WordPress | 6.7.2 |
Contributors | jsmoriss |
License | GPLv3 |
Tags / Keywords | app store, mobile app, app card, itunes, google play |
Apple Store / iTunes and Google Play App meta tags.
Promote your website's mobile App with a banner in Apple's mobile Safari.
Add X (Twitter) App Card markup to mobile App product pages:
Extends the features of the WPSSO Core plugin (required plugin).
Adds an optional banner in Apple's mobile Safari for your website's Apple Store mobile App.
Adds optional X (Twitter) App Card meta tags to webpages.
Includes a Mobile Apps settings page with additional options:
Includes a Mobile Apps tab in the Document SSO metabox with additional options:
WPSSO Mobile App Meta Tags (WPSSO AM) is an add-on for the WPSSO Core plugin, which creates extensive and complete structured data to present your content at its best for social sites and search results – no matter how URLs are shared, reshared, messaged, posted, embedded, or crawled.