WPSSO Shipping Delivery Time for WooCommerce
View the Project on GitHub SurniaUlula/wpsso-wc-shipping-delivery-time
Plugin Name | WPSSO Shipping Delivery Time for WooCommerce SEO |
Summary | Shipping delivery time estimates for WooCommerce shipping zones, methods, and classes. |
Stable Version | 3.2.0 |
Requires PHP | 7.4.33 or newer |
Requires WordPress | 5.9 or newer |
Tested Up To WordPress | 6.7.2 |
Tested Up To WooCommerce | 9.7.0 |
Contributors | jsmoriss |
License | GPLv3 |
Tags / Keywords | schema, shippingDetails, OfferShippingDetails, ShippingDeliveryTime, deliveryTime |
Adding shipping details to your Schema Product markup is important if you offer free or low-cost shipping options, as this will make your products more appealing in Google search results.
The WPSSO Shipping Delivery Time for WooCommerce SEO (WCSDT) add-on integrates and extends the WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping page with additional shipping delivery times:
The WPSSO WCSDT add-on provides this additional shipping information to the WPSSO Core plugin for complete Schema shippingDetails, OfferShippingDetails, and ShippingDeliveryTime markup.
WPSSO Shipping Delivery Time for WooCommerce SEO (WPSSO WCSDT) is an add-on for WooCommerce and the WPSSO Core plugin.